
What is Collaborative Compassionate Coaching & How can it help me?

Collaborative Compassionate Coaching was a natural development for me and a bit of an ‘Ah Ha moment’ from my Career as a mental health nurse and traditional Coaching methods in the NHS & private sectors, the approach of Action Learning ie learning by doing, and my desire to balance the more traditional approaches with Complimentary Healing ones ie Reiki and Compassion Based Therapies. My passion for rescue horses started when I was 12 years old and they have taught me and given me so much in my own recovery over the years from an Eating Disorder. The combination of:

  • Identifying our thoughts, feelings and emotions (mental health)
  • Learning to understand why we think, feel and behave as we do – both positive and not so positive habits and traits (Coaching)
  • Be kind to ourselves, with support, to brave trying out new positive approaches and learn to understand how these help us be happier, more confident and improve our problem solving skills and overall wellbeing (Action Learning, Compassion Based tools, Reiki, Meditation & Mindfulness)
  • Learning to trust – Horses are big, powerful animals who ‘live in the moment’ and their body language and behaviours give us instant and immediate feedback by acting as ‘mirrors’ for our emotions, behaviours etc. As they don’t have egos and very much ‘live in the moment’ they are a true representation of ‘what you see is what you get’ this is invaluable in uncovering true emotions and reactions not wrapped up in fancy words.

Please note – no experiences with horses & no riding is required!

My therapist/coach set half a glass of water in front of me. She asked me if I was a glass half full/Optimist or a glass half empty/Pessimist. So, I drank the water and told her I was a problem solver’

Compassion Based Coaching:

Our constant companion in life is ourselves -our ‘inner voice’ if you like. For many of us this relationship might not be so positive. Self-criticism is a common problem and one that can become debilitating & destructive to us if overlooked. The way we talk to ourselves plays a vital role in our wellbeing and Compassion Based Coaching helps us to understand our inner critic, strengthen our self-compassion and move to a sense of self-acceptance. Once we change our mindset and learn the tools to move forward, our goals and overall wellbeing become attainable and sustainable.

  • Aims to alleviate any sense of criticism or shame we may experience
  • A way to cultivate self-compassion ie treating yourself with the same kindness, concern & support that you would show a good friend – to yourself
  • By encouraging an environment that promotes feelings of safety & security, we can learn the ability to then understand our mental state and move forward

By combining the skills learnt through self-compassion coaching, mindfulness / meditation and Action Learning, we enhance our capacity for well-being and sustaining our positive new habits and goals.

Action Learning

We all learn continuously & learn best when we have an open & inquisitive mind – this enables us to:

  • Question
  • Listen
  • Explore ideas.

Reflection then enables us to gain new & deeper understanding of the challenges & issues we face or want to change.

Action Learning enables us to identify & manage these changes through a process & many positive changes expected include:

  • Acquiring long lasting problem solving skills
  • Achieving your desired results in a constructive way
  • ‘Learning by doing’ & reflection on our actions/behaviours/responses to make real & lasting changes in our lives

Equine Assisted Learning

Many children and adults have experienced difficulties in their physical, mental and emotional well-being recently, particularly due to Covid 19 including feelings of:

  • isolation
  • anxiety
  • self-harm
  • depression
  • eating disorders
  • severe headaches

At GemSol Connections, our focus is on being outside in nature and empowering individuals to ‘take the reins’ of their lives.

With support, time with our Rescue Horses & Coach enables space to:

  • collect our thoughts and feelings
  • identify what we would like to change in our behaviours, coping strategies and future
  • identify goals to achieve these changes

Practical skills gained by working with the horses include:

  • communication
  • self-esteem
  • problem solving

By building a trusting and respectful relationship with our horses, Children, Young People and Adults alike can:

  • begin to take responsibility for their actions
  • set and achieve their goals
  • establish more positive habits and coping strategies
  • engage in more positive relationships.

We offer the following ways of working:

  • 1:1 Sessions
  • Family Sessions
  • Small Groups (Max 6)
  • Sessions with your own pony/horse

We take Referrals from:

  • Self-Referral
  • Family Referral
  • Schools
  • NHS
  • Social Care
  • GP’s

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch & we look forward to discussing your personal needs further.

Warmest Wishes
